Monday, April 22, 2013

The A's Have It: The NRA's Cost to Kill Background Checks

Sadly, but perhaps not surprisingly, the Senate failed to act on gun control with any conviction or conscience.  As collective cowards, they once again allowed the NRA's scores and contributions to decide what should have been a no-brainer for any American interested in doing something to reduce the nation's gun violence. Take a moment and let the scores and contributions listed above sink in.  How many more Sandy Hooks will it take before Congress votes for common sense solutions instead of their next campaign contribution?

(Information above provided by the NY Times through The article noted that "Campaign contributions are for the 2012 election cycle for members of the House, and the 2008, 2010 and 2012 Senate cycles, and include money from the N.R.A. “given to the candidate and to his/her affiliated leadership committee,” according to the fine print on the graphic. "

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