Monday, March 19, 2012

Is Civility Dead---or Just on Life Support?

Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present.” ~ George Washington

“Respecting others’ opinions doesn’t mean being untrue to our own.” ~ P.M. Forni

Growing up, my mom often used Disney movies, and anything else handy, to try to get her point across to me.  Like many kids, I was told that words could hurt as much as a punch and couldn't be taken back once they were said.  One of her favorite teaching moments on civility came from Bambi.  Remember this one?

Thumper: He doesn't walk very good, does he? 
Mrs. Rabbit: Thumper! 
Thumper: Yes, mama? 
Mrs. Rabbit: What did your father tell you this morning? 

Thumper: If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all. 

Today's politicians- in fact, any person engaging in political discourse- might do well to listen to Mrs. Rabbit.  We have reached such a level of hyper-partisanship where hate-filled vitriol- spewed in front of a camera- is the order of the day.  Unfortunately, very little gets done, and the crevasse between the parties fills with lies, insults and slights and grows wider each day.  All this at a time when Democrats, Independents and Republicans need to be closely working on the many problems that face our nation.  

What to do?  Perhaps a return to civility- or maybe even a slight move in that direction- is a good place to start. 

I read a great story by Dana Bash on Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland last night.  She has consistently reached out to any woman elected to the Senate and made a point of welcoming her, regardless of party affiliation.  The female senators all try to meet for dinner to get to know each other as people, rather than as opposing partisans, and have built important bridges that have withstood many ideological differences and led to important legislation. It appears they have adopted a policy of mutual respect , rather than vilifying each other because of differing positions. How refreshing! 

Yet there appears to be very little of this happening in the circus that the primaries have become. To watch the presidential candidates today is akin to watching little kids in a sandbox. Snarky soundbites and outright lies have replaced reasoned debate, and are turning off voters in droves. Instead of incessantly attacking their fellow candidates, why not take these same opportunities to highlight their positions and speak of their unique qualifications?  With Super PACS now funding a record level of negative ads, the candidates are becoming even more shrill ---making America dive for the mute button.

So I recommend we listen to Thumper's mom.  If you can't say something nice, just don't say anything at all- or better yet, talk about your own innovative ideas to get America working again.  If the candidates actually followed this suggestion, imagine how much dead air time there would be when the political ads went totally........and blessedly, silent.

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